December Greetings!
Richard Ondicho’s Newsletter 6/2024
Every year as we enter this Advent season and move toward Christmas it seems. Every year at this time, I reflect back on the context of that first Christmas, and I am amazed and encouraged. The soft, sweet story of baby Jesus is so etched in our minds that it helps to be reminded that the first Christmas was not a lovely experience. And it certainly did not take place in a comfortable middle class setting.
When God chose to get into human flesh – the incarnation, God in flesh, Jesus who was true God and true human-God chose Mary. There is nothing in the Bible that indicates she deserved or
earned the honour. God chose her. And suddenly she was in scandal, a pregnant teen, neighbours talking about her and starting rumours. No wonder her visit to her Aunt Elizabeth was so comforting and needed ( Luke 1:39ff).
Heart of gratitude
By God’s grace I was able to graduate with a Doctoral degree from South Africa. The topic of my research was “Church, Migration and Missio Dei in the Diaspora: Towards a missiological study of East African Christian immigrants in the context of Finland from 2000 – 2022”. My research study took three years. From data collections and writing the dissertation was mostly tedious since the supervisor was not willing to approve even one chapter but, at the end I was allowed to submit and was evaluated by three Professors from different Universities. The three professors approved my dissertation, and each gave the manuscript exceptional grade “Laudator” (First Class Honours). That is the grade is reflected on my degree.
This made my supervisor even more agitated, and he mobilized the whole staff against me. I had two defences because they nullified my work on the basis of supervisors protesting that I was not cooperative and that I did not follow their guidance. In the end I assured them that I will take them to court and write to world Christian newspapers about the mistreatment. After two weeks they
sent me my Doctoral degree and transcripts. I realized that they did not change the grade that was suggested and so they feared my threats. I am delighted to state that I have great gratitude to God for all that He has done to me. I have learned that developing a heart of gratitude is one of the keys to a healthy Christian life.
None of us can have a thankful heart without the help of the indwelling Spirit who sanctifies us. This humbles me and encourages me that God is still working in my heart. And he’s at work in you, too. As we rely on Him to help us cultivate thankfulness, we also cultivate hearts that treasure Jesus above all things. With each thankful prayer, we open our often-hard hearts and closed eyes to behold God’s goodness, faithfulness, mercy, love, care, sustenance, provision, and grace in our lives. As we whisper “thank you” to our gracious Father, our hearts settle into contentment and joy. Our lives preach to the world that God is faithful.
By God’s grace we have been conducting services and Bible studies throughout the year under His sheer grace and mercy. We have had many baptisms also counselling at the same breath. We have enjoyed Sunday service where we have worshiped and sung wonderful hymns and then have had coffee after every Divine service which has helped us to create a society where we are interconnected. Our services sometimes take about one and half hours, but socializing coffee and tea usually takes not leas. than two hours.
“Together” we were this year 2024. Together with God we have accomplished some wonderful things. Together we have shared in an empowerment model based on the Jethro Principle when he confronts his son-in-law Moses and says, “You can’t do this on your own.” We, affirm and welcome you to share life with us and participate in God’s mission. Saved by God’s Grace, Renewed through Word and Sacrament, We are Sent as Disciples to Share the Gospel of Jesus.
Thank you for your prayer and financial support this year 2024. We look forward to reaching more people for the heavenly kingdom in the year 2025.
Dear Lord, we thank you for countless daily blessings. Help us to see your goodness in all aspects of life and to give thanks in all circumstances. May our lives overflow with gratitude to you. Amen.
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